CIYD Resources

CIYD Resources

I Believe

‘I Believe’ is a Confirmation Preparation Resource for teenagers. The resource has been written with the content of the Church of Ireland Confirmation Service in mind and refers to elements of the Apostles’ Creed, The 10 Commandments and the Church Catechism. It is a 12-week course examining essentials of our faith and offers interactive activities to enhance the learning experience for young people preparing for Confirmation.

Live to Give

An interactive 4-week bible study for youth groups looking at generosity, money and giving. The resource has been written in partnership with Nicola Brown from the Church of Ireland’s Generous Giving Programme, and Jonny Farrell from Stand By Me – a charity working with children in the developing world. Its four sessions cover:

Where the heart is – to explore what brings us joy and happiness, the importance of gratitude, and the challenge of putting God first;
A God of plenty – the nature of our generous God who gave everything for us, and what it means to be stewards of what we have been given;
More than enough – to look at the ways in which God has equipped young people to make a practical impact for His Kingdom in the world around them;
Money talks – covering what we have to give, what happens when we give, and practical tools, advice and biblical principles for handling money.

The ready to run sessions are very accessible with a lot of interactive activities, Bible study, prayer challenges and games.



SHAKEN is a unique resource for young people, written by Connor Diocesan Youth Council in partnership with The Big House Ireland. The resource guides young people to consider how they can respond to difficulties they face in life from a Christian perspective. While providing practical advice, Shaken is founded in Biblical truths and demonstrates how faith is integral in discussions with young people around coping with difficulty. The resource has sections on the value of talking to others, listening, and spotting feelings. It then provides 20 different healthy coping mechanisms for young people to try together or in their youth group. Within the resource, it encourages young people to review each coping mechanisms knowing that each young person is unique and will have their own ways of coping well.


Fuel seeks to help young people to read the Bible regularly over Lent – or anytime of the year. The booklet includes a reading plan for John’s Gospel and a 50–page journal. Fuel contains questions to help young people engage with what they are reading, and to think about what the Bible is saying and teaching. Space is also provided for writing down notes, prayers and thoughts. The journal runs to 50 days to encourage readers to continue with the habits which they have started over Lent.


Fuel II

An opportunity for you to get to know more about God, yourself, others and the world you live in. Don’t worry if you think you’re not very ‘spiritual’… be open-minded and hungry for something deeper than what you’ve experienced so far.


Praying for Children & Young People

The booklet contains a selection of prayer ideas that can be used during a service or events for the CIYD Annual Day of Prayer for Young People & Youth Ministry, or also at other times of the year as appropriate.


Care for Creation

CIYD partnered with Tearfund Ireland & Christian Aid Ireland to produce this resource that will help Christian youth leaders and groups to understand the climate and biodiversity emergencies and how we can rise to the challenge to ‘Care for Creation’.

The pack is a 2-year programme that gathers resources to inform and inspire young people to take action on the environment – to extend God’s Kingdom on earth. It provides activities for worship, Bible study, prayer, activities and action. 

The Justice Sessions

In partnership with the International Justice Mission, this resource is a ready to run 5-week resource around issues of justice, with interactive sessions, games, bible studies, videos etc. 


A Welcoming Church

The resource is designed to help churches think through some of the issues and challenges involved in enabling church to be more accessible. A collaboration between CIYD, Diocese of Dublin & Glendalough & Diocese of Leeds. Email for more information.


Resonance, developed by Connor Diocese and Down and Dromore Diocese with support from CIYD is a resource for young people which helps them notice and experience the movement of God in their lives, a learning experience which provides an opportunity for young people to consider who they are and how God views them and their purpose. For more information or to get your pack email

The Jesus Sessions

The Jesus Sessions is a resource to introduce young people to the life and ministry of Jesus. A collaboration between DDYC & Engage Connor Youth, supported by CIYD. For more information email

The Exalt App

Exalt is designed to help 11-18 year olds, their peers and their youth group leaders to agree to explore a weekly devotion together. It is designed to help those seeking faith as well as those that have an active rhythm of faith. The app offers once a week devotions which encourage prayer.

Climate Justice Toolkit

The aim of this toolkit is to build the knowledge, skills and attitudes of young people as they explore the impact of climate change on our planet, the inequality of its consequences on people, and why this is unjust. This toolkit uses a Development Education approach. Development Education is an interactive and creative learning process that seeks to increase awareness and understanding of the world we live in. It challenges perceptions and stereotypes by encouraging optimism, participation and action for a just world. Through a process of exploration, reflection and action young people are encouraged to look at their own lives and

climate justice issues, and to empower them to make a positive difference in our world.